Ideas to Action to Progress: Report (Point Zero Forum 2024)
This white paper synthesises insights from a roundtable discussion on accelerating the transition of innovations from academia to industry, especially in sustainable digital...
The Art of the Possible for SupTech
This white paper captures insights from a July 2024 roundtable among industry leaders in Supervisory Technology from central bank agencies, technology companies serving them and...
Operationalising the Universal Trusted Credentials
Universal Trusted Credentials (UTC) present significant growth potential for MSMEs, particularly in emerging economies, where financing gaps due to collateral issues and high...
Asset Tokenization, Asset and Wealth Management
At the recent Point Zero Forum held in July 2024, policymakers, regulators and financial institution leaders gathered to explore what it will take to accelerate institutional...
Navigating and Making the AI and DLT Paradigm Shift Sustainable
This report builds upon a paper published last year on the sustainability of distributed ledger technology (DLT) in the financial sector, where ESG (Environmental, Social and...
AI Revolution: Shaping Data Analytics in the Financial Sector
The recent roundtable, "Al Revolution: Shaping data analytics in the financial sector", held during the Point Zero Forum 2024, brought together industry leaders to discuss the...